vendredi 16 novembre 2007

Oki Doki!

I feel blues, and Paris is like an ice cube.

I can feel winter on my fingers.

France is trying to wake up.

But is paralysed... Too sensitive to the cold.

It's mess in here. Strike on public transport, universities blocked, homeless, whatever....

Wait a second and let me smoke some weed and drink my 11/6 beer.

Gypsies - One Hand Up

I was telling you how much it's hard to find some happiness at this time.

No good party, no hot girl, no good frame of mind, no good people, too many idiots and too many sham.

Wait a second, Gibbs his gonna kill the guy that killed an NCIS girl.

In short, I'm gonna dump and will tell craps when you will become interesting.

Scienz Culture - Ginsu (Son Of Scientist Bruk Mix)


Echo a dit…

Paris me manque. :(
I studied there in the Spring. Now I'm in Chicago.
Nice Gypsy song!

Unknown a dit…

indeed, today has been a royally shit day in Paris. However Han Bennick at SunSide was killer tonight and i'm still glowing inside from Kidkanevil at batofar last night.