dimanche 21 octobre 2007


Push your hands up in the air if you feel that people...

Really love you.


That's missing in this fucking business. Artists have become batty.

All is about appearance.

With some spotlights, 2 or 3 fluorescent clothing, Photoshop and a makeup artist team.

You're a star!

With new sneackers, a hot slut, skaters, and pictures of you with a finger on a graffiti.

You're an icon!

These people think to be undying.

As if they had no heart and made flesh.

As if the most important was the the graphism on the album covers of Mr or Mrs so-and-so.

Outside everything is wonderfull.

Form without burden.

Blind Alphabetz - African Rhythms

Stop talking about them, sale them there place on your Myspace top friends, stop talking about there current events.

Keep them for yourself!

They make money at your expense... You're there living promotion. You venerate them, talk about them, buy there products, go to there concerts, create a club or a blog at there name.

They may let something in life history, it's because of ego, that's part of human nature.

But what about you? Will you leave trace?

Your fanaticism life for so-and-so?

What have you won for all this love and promotion?

Humanity shall be priority, not business.

Only music is important!

Guys, Anything else is fucking wind!

Tittsworth - September


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