vendredi 2 novembre 2007

Fuck You & Your Shutter Shades Glasses!

Klowny East is a self confident rapper. He allows himself to bet against 0,05 cent to know which one will sale most albums.

Everybody relays this information and everyone is yearning for the result.

At the same time, nobody cares about the album contents, neither to the eye-catcher promotion, neither to these 2 kiddies childishness.

People are too busy to help there idol to win the bet.

I have to say that, to my opinion, there is nothing interesting on this album!

Already heard and deja vu…

30Hz feat Yolanda - Daddio (Trevor Loveys Remix)

All this rowdiness is scripted and relayed by underground artists. They are overexcited to be seen beside him on MTV, to be named by him on an interview, or to be pictured with him on a party.

Let’s honor the King and he will give us his success crumbs…

I must agree that it’s one way to disconnect you from normal life. If you also think to be upper than the mass of the people, you will use all means to an end.

But shall we play the game with a shitty album just to be a friend of the King?

Dirty Diggers - Aw Man

Obviously! They all do it.

However, once upon a time, I recognize that he was talented… He was magical at that period…

Long time ago…

Before he becomes that bad copy of Poo Diddy for flashy fashionables, thinking that he will get the future with his music.

The rapper with form without core… Millionaire, megalomaniac and ridiculous!

Just like his last video clip … showing him motioning like a blind man, fumbling the wall behind to prevent him from falling.

Because of his glasses…


Just here to create another buzz, a gadget that will mask the shit you put on your Poo Pod.

And there are 40 million fuckhead following the move to be hype, in, and happy to be part of it.

Tomorrow, He will put a dildo designed by Vo Mit in his ass and people will do the same …

For sure!

Elmore Judd - Disco In 4 Pieces

Supa Supa Banco :

NB: Artists’ names have been voluntarily masked. Not because of reprisal fear, but I don’t want to promote them.

I don’t want to help them to have one more page on Google.

You can say good or bad things about people… What’s the principal point… isn’t it talking about them?

I talk about them…

But, the aim is to break the myth….

Dj Vadim - Sd1


Anonyme a dit…

Yes fukk those corny sunglasses ! If your gonna rock some old school rock some real vintage sunglasses.

The Truth a dit…

Yeah Shutter Shades are for HERBS and hipsters !